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Country: Bermuda Clear
Subject: Instructional marks Clear

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O.A.T. F.S. BERMUDA to HUNGARY postal history
1965 col. ppc of "A Bermuda Home and Garden" to Budapest, Hungary with QE2 9d tied Hamilton 12 MCH 1965 machine, boxed purple "O.A.T./F.S." added during London transit.

Mail to St. George's DETAINED AT AMERICAN CONSUL FOR 13 YEARS, Bermuda postal history
1879 cover from P.D. Slocum & Co., Clothiers, New Bedford, Massachusetts to Mr. Holder B. Slocum, 1st Mate Brig V.H. Hill, Capt. Sylvia, Bermuda (showing "Care Am Consul" at lower left) with U.S. 5c blue Zachary Taylor tied New Bedford cork dated MAY 10 with Boston MAY 10 transit and ST. GEORGES MAY 20 1879 oval receiving backstamps (LRD on incoming mail), after 13 years marked in red manuscript "Remained at American Consulate until 23rd April 1892/Not called for" with presumed Consulate Dead Letter Office purple pointing hand "RETURN TO THE WRITER. D.L.O." handstamp and placed in the mail with ST. GEORGES B/AP 23 92 cds (H1, usually applied at a transit or arrival datestamp, Ludington Page 141) with DEAD LETTER OFFICE/S A triangle dated MAY 11-92 on reverse. A fascinating item.
Previous history: The whaling schooner Varnum H. Hill of and from Provincetown, was captured by the rebel steamer "Florida" on 27 June 1863 and released on bond of $10,000 on condition that she would take prisoners belonging to the destroyed ships "Southern Cross" (June 6, burnt same day), "Red Gauntlet" (June 14, kept in company as carrying coal and burnt on the 26th), "Benjamin Hoxie" (June 16 carrying silver bars valued at £500,000, sunk June 27) into Bermuda. Some 54 seamen were landed at Hamilton on 4 July and were taken in charge by the American Consul, and on 7 July Captain Doe of the British brig "Henrietta" agreed to take the seamen brought in by the V.H. Hill to New York. (Research shows no further mention of the V.H. Hill allowing no explanation for this incoming letter of 1879, and it being detained at the American Consul for 13 years until released in 1892). The "Florida" was a highly successful commerce raider in the Confederate States Navy capturing 37 prize ships.

Boer War Irreconcilable F.C. LAUNSPACH (carved wooden serviette ring fame), Bermuda postal history
1902 cover to F.C. Launspach, Burts Island, Bermuda with 2 x Transvaal 1d ovp'd "E.R.I." tied BRAAMFONTEIN, B.O. JOHANNESBURG 4 FEB 1902 9.30am and b/stamped JOHANNESBURG 4 FEB 1902 10.30am where PASSED PRESS CENSOR worn handstamp applied to face, on arrival b/stamped HAMILTON MR 15 1902/C with "Not Darrells" and directed "Hawkins" in red manuscript, the cover opened left edge and at top leaving tears through flap. Very few Bermuda Boer War POW covers can be matched to actual events.
F.C. Launspach is listed as one of the prominent personalities amongst the Boer War prisoners detained at Bermuda, and as an irreconcilable was one of the last to leave on 20 August 1904 bound for the United States. Many of the prisoners occupied themselves by making handcraft which were sold in many of the stores in Bermuda. The POWs on Burts Island eventually formed the Industrial Association for Carvings and Curios, and some of these items are preserved in the South African National Museum of Military History including a wooden serviette ring with carved name F C Launspach (see photo of similar type serviette rings).

1978 printed Bermuda Bible Society large manila cover initially posted stampless from Hamilton to Paget on 28 MAY, re-addressed to Mohamed T. Bangura, Calaba Town, Wellington, Freetown, Sierra Leone with QE2 5c, 35c, $3 pmk'd PAGET 17 JUN 78 with address deleted by blue crayon and boxed "SERVICE SUSPENDED/RETURN TO SENDER" handstamp applied.

1953 three times postmarked Gibbons Co. printed sender cover to Penhurst, N.S.Wales with KG6 1/- pmk'd Hamilton 8 DEC machine, red boxed "Returned for/3d Postage." added with further KG6 3d pmk'd Hamilton 10 Dec machine for WALES (UK) and with error noted red crayon "AUSTRALIA" added prior further "Returned for/1/- Postage." with defective KG6 1/- affixed tied Hamilton 12 DEC 53 cds.

SUTTON BENGER (Wiltshire) to BERMUDA postal history
1908 opened-out for display cover to the Royal Gazette Office, Hamilton, Bermuda with GB KE7 1d pmk\'d SUTTON BENGER (Wiltshire) B/MY 18 08 forwarded 4 JUN 08 with handstruck circled \"T\" to Brooklyn, New York with handstruck \"COLLECT/POSTAGE .03 CENTS\", three x U.S. 1c Postage Dues tied to reverse.\r\n

OFFICIAL PAID not accepted, Returned For Postage, Bermuda postal history
1951 OHMS foolscap airmail cover with Civil Aviation Department, Bermuda sender's address to G.A. Osborn, Air Traffic Control, Dusseldorf Airport, Germany initially posted Hamilton 9 JUL machine supported with red BERMUDA-OFFICIAL/PAID handstamp being subsequently deleted in red crayon with boxed red "Returned for/(1/6) Postage.", three KG6 6d added and pmk'd Hamilton 12 JUL 51 with FIELD POST OFFICE 893 d/ring dated 18 JY 51 as arrival backstamp.
The authoritative Geoffrey Osborn formed one of the very best postal history collections of Bermuda.

BERMUDA postal history
1942 envelope used elsewhere (New York printed changed Bermuda typewritten) to Rutherford, New Jersey with airmail rate KG6 7½d pmk'd HAMILTON 5 JUN 42, most unusually handstruck red "THIS LETTER CAME IN BY AIRMAIL", no backstamps, commercial as opened 3 sides.

BERMUDA postal history
1947 underpaid cover to Bath, Somerset with KG6 1/3d franking tied AIRMAIL G.P.O. 2 MAR 47 cds, Bermuda tax 300 centimes duplex and black boxed TO PAY appended 2/6d, some perf. faults.

1931 cover with GB KGV 1½d tied Glasgow machine dated 3 SEP 1931 to "BAMENDA, B.W.I." with handstruck "NOT KNOWN" and "ADVERTISED" applied Barbados 19 SEP 1931 (backstamp) with manuscript "Try Bermuda" amended "Not" with "Try" deleted with Hamilton 23 NOV 31 backstamp, originally poorly opened 3 sides but frontal tear at right sealed with tear at left open.

BERMUDA postal history
1938 cover from H.A.& E. Smith Ltd, Hamilton (printed flap) with 2d, pair 3d to The Conestoga National Bank, Lancaster, Pennsylvania opened despite "SEALED ARTICLES/SECURE OWNER'S/PERMISSION TO/OPEN." handstamp with circled "PASSED/FREE OF DUTY", sealed with "Foreign Letter Package/COLLECT 10 CENTS" 5-line handstamp with U.S. 10c due affixed and tied.

CANADA to BERMUDA postal history
1952 cover with Canada 7c pmk'd Montreal to Harrington House, Baileys Bay with numerous instructional and tax handstamps showing handstruck Bermuda "POSTAGE/3d/DUE", eventually marked "Return to Sender", soiling etc but full of character.

BERMUDA to Denmark postal history
1951 (JU 27) underpaid cover to Copenhagen with KG6 6d x 2 tied Hamilton machine, boxed red "Returned for/Postage" appended "6" deleted as further KG6 6d added and tied Hamilton 28 JUN 51 cds, no backstamps.

BERMUDA postal history
1958 (DE 8) cover with QE2 2d for Second Class Air Mail (deleted) pmk'd Hamilton to Boston, Massachusetts, red 2-line "INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID/FOR TRANSMISSION BY AIRMAIL".

WALES to Bermuda postal history
1979 (JU 25) stampless cover pmk'd Gwent attracting boxed red "Fine/Return To Sender", purple boxed "INSUFFICIENTLY/PREPAID FOR/AIR MAIL", tax and Bermuda Postage Due handstamps, no backstamps.

BERMUDA postal history
1961 (OC 21) stampless OHMS Library cover pmk'd Hamilton to Wellington, St. George with red boxed RETURN TO SENDER marked "unknown" with manuscript "Left Bda".

BERMUDA postal history
1955 (JA 31) locally unsealed addressed cover with QE2 1d pmk'd Paget to Hamilton re-directed to both Weymouth, Dorset and Emsworth, Hampshire with various tax handstamps, on arrival GB 1d Postage Due added pmk'd Emsworth 16 FE 55, backstamped Hamilton and Weymouth.

BERMUDA postal history
1965 (NO 16) cover with QE2 franking pmk'd Warwick to Leckhampton Court Schoo, Gloucestershire, red Autres Objets "A.O." handstamp.

BERMUDA postal history
1937 (JY 6) illustrated cover to the Belmont Manor and Golf Club in Bermuda with U.S. 3c pmk'd PRES. COOLIDGE SEA POST duplex with "DELAYED BY STRIKE" and Postage Due 2 CENTS str. lines with handstruck "1d" due added on arrival.

BERMUDA postal history
1951 Masters Limited underpaid stampless window envelope pmk'd Hamilton 8 OCT 1951 with ARMY AIR FORCE POSTAL SERVICE 9 OC transit backstamp plus New York 2c Due, various RETURN TO SENDER handstamps with red Bermuda CENTIMES duplex appended "6" and KG6 1½d added for postage due tied ST. GEORGES 12 OCT 51, various backstamps.
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