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You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds). Over 2,000 combinations individually priced. 1,725 colour illustrations of numeral combinations plus further 61 colour illustrations related items (cds used when numeral missing/lost etc) + 30 colour illustrations of selected covers. 149 pages (A4 size) Price £120 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer. Information is everything....order your copy today. (Listed in "POSTAL HISTORY" section for convenience)

QUTHING, Basutoland postmark/cancel
(D7) 7 APR 37 on KGV 1d (SG.2) piece.

QUTHING, Basutoland postmark/cancel
(D7) 7 AUG 38 on KG6 1d (SG.19).

ROMA MISSION, Basutoland postmark/cancel
(D7) 18 XII 62 on 1c. on QE2 1d (SG.59).

ROMA MISSION, Basutoland postmark/cancel
(D7) 15 11 65 on QE2 1c (SG.70).

ROMA MISSION, Basutoland postmark
(D5) 23 OCT 41 on horiz. pair KG6 ½d (SG.18), some perf. splitting at top.

QUTHING, Basutoland postmark
(D7) 27 JAN 37 on KGV 1d (SG.2) piece.

QACHASNEK, Basutoland postmark
(D9) 2 VIII 45 on KG6 6d (SG.24).

PHAMONG, Basutoland postmark
(D2) 7 FEB 37 on KGV 1d (SG.2) piece.

PHAMONG, Basutoland postmark
(D2) 11 MAR 37 on KGV 1d (SG.2) piece.

PHAMONG, Basutoland postmark
(D2) 25 FEB 37 on KGV 1d (SG.2) piece.

PEKA, Basutoland postmark
(D3) A/FE 8 26 on South Africa KGV 1d piece.

PEKA, Basutoland postmark
(D4) 3 AUG 43 on KG6 1d (SG.19).

PEKA, Basutoland postmark
(D4) 9 OCT 54 on pair QE2 ½d (SG.43) piece.

MORONYANENG, Basutoland postmark
(D2) 14 VIII 45 on KG6 2d (SG.21) piece.

MORIJA, Basutoland postmark
(D10) 23 III 35 on KGV ½d (SG.1).

MORIJA, Basutoland postmark
(D10) 26 IX 42 on KG6 1½d (SG.20).

MOKHOTLONG, Basutoland postmark
(D6) 18 DEC 50 on horiz. pair KG6 ½d (SG.18) piece.

MOKHOTLONG, Basutoland postmark
(D9) 21 VI 61 on QE2 2½c (SG.72).

MOKHOTLONG, Basutoland skeleton postmark
(D2 State 1) dated SP 23 22 on South Africa KGV 2d piece.
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