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You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy. Over 2,000 combinations individually priced. 1,725 colour illustrations of numeral combinations plus further 61 colour illustrations related items (cds used when numeral missing/lost etc) + 30 colour illustrations of selected covers. 149 pages (A4 size) Price £120 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer. Information is everything....order your copy today. (Listed in "POSTAL HISTORY" section for convenience)

UNION-ISLAND, St. Vincent postmark/cancel
s/ways down C/JY 13 -- (no year) on horiz. pair 1905 KE7 ½d MCA wmk (SG.85).

MESOPOTAMIA, St. Vincent postmark/cancel
C/DE 20 86 on QV 1d rose (SG.48a).

COLONARIE, St. Vincent postmark/cancel
C/JU 8 87 on QV 1d rose (SG.48a).

BIABOU, St. Vincent postmark/cancel
C/JY 21 86 on QV 1d rose (SG.48a).
Currently the latest recorded date before the terrible cyclone of AU 16 86. No further strikes are known until C/SP 1 86 and the black GB/40c was probably used as a consequence during the interim period.

The unique red ink RABACCA, St. Vincent postmark/cancel
Newly discovered dated C/FE 6 98 on 1897 QV 5d sepia (SG.62). Ex Ron Cronin collection.

GB/40c used BIABOU, St. Vincent postmarks/cancels
currently the finest strike known in red ink on 1881 QV 4d blue (SG.38), perf. faults predominantly at left.
Only one other partial red GB/40c recorded on SG.38.

ST. VINCENT stamps:
1875 QV 6d deep blue-green, wmk UPRIGHT small star (SG.19c, Cat.£2250 as normal mint), fine unused, with gum traces, cancelled by single ruled line as SPECIMEN status.

ST. VINCENT stamps:
1892 5/- purple ovp'd REVENUE (PML.49) badly thinned dated "2/5/94" and 1894 5/- greyish-purple ovp'd REVENUE (PML.50) fine used.

MONTSERRAT to ST. VINCENT (but did not reach St. Vincent)
1974 tatty commercial cover from Radio Antilles with 3 x 5c UPU (one tied on reverse) pmk'd */6 AU 74 addressed Questelles Village, handstruck "INSUFFICIENT ADDRESS" as St. Vincent not included in address line.

MUSTIQUE ISLAND postal history
A London School of Accountancy brown manilla envelope returned by added Educational Exercises Only label, opened each end to make a wrapper for returned printed matter with QE2 5c tied extremely rare blue ink MUSTIQUE temporary rubber datestamp 13.3.56.

The duplicate letter (in case original lost or damaged) as carried to the White House for the presentation of the Presidents of America bicentennial issue.
Carried flat, without envelope by the St. Vincent delegation

KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent postal history
red KINGSTOWN C/MY 13 88 arrival on incoming Trinidad QV 2d PSRE with added QV 2½d (faults) to William Thomas, Georgetown, St. Vincent pmk'd ST. JOSEPH A/MY 12 88.

dated A/AP 8 82 on 1881 Perkins Bacon QV 1d drab (SG.37). Very rare as such.
Only two examples of this black ST. VINCENT cds are recorded, by me, on this issue, both dated A/AP 8 82, which undoubtedly were soaked off and split up from a horizontal strip of four on UPU 4d rate cover to the UK. The other copy shows extra cds rims at both left and right, but the two copies do not re-join.

ST. VINCENT postal history (Ex DE COSTA, 1935)
1864 small cover to James Cropper, Liverpool with pair QV 6d deep green (SG.4) pmk'd "A10", light red SAINT VINCENT A/AP 8 84 on address panel with London ER/AP 27 84 transit, reverse Liverpool AP 28 64 arrival, some perf. toning. Ex DE COSTA 4/1935, BURRUS, and JAFFE.

full cover from Saarbrucken 27 3 80 arriving Kingstown, St. Vincent */14 MR 80, no b/stamps

dated JU 28 80 on 1880 1/- bright vermilion (SG.31, dull shade).

1909 imperf. Plate Proof of the redrawn 6d dull purple (SG.107) on ungummed MCA wmk'd paper from the original Imprimatur block of six, small pin-hole and small base tear.

ESCAPE BY ROYAL MAIL STEAMER, St. Vincent postal history
Wrapper with ST. VINCENT dbl-arc JY 25 1846 carried by “Eagle” to St. Thomas (JY 29) and by “Teviot” to Fayal in the Azores (AU 13) with 6 or 7 days prior arrival at Southampton and London (AU 20) as diverted for an unscheduled stop at Madeira, as on AU 9 1846 an enraged mob of islanders broke into the house of a British missionary who had practised on the island of Madeira for several years. They ransacked his property and proceeded to burn his books, prints, medicines and other possessions. The doctor was absent, having fled the previous night, forewarned of the impending outrage. The doctor was sheltering briefly with a friend, and managed to slip aboard a Royal Mail Steamer in Funchal Bay and left Madeira, never to return.

A10 used KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent postmark/cancel
on 1877 QV 6d pale green (SG.23), very fine strikes in red ink seldom found.
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