A PRICING STRUCTURE FOR GOLD COAST QV CANCELS - Price £280 You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds).
An in-depth text only study of the mainly Macrae T.2 and T.5 cancellations as found on QV issues arranged in chronological sequence, showing both the bands of use of code letters and ink colours. The majority of the 5,640 listed items being described and priced (as sold over the years). Provenance is given when known.
100 pages (A4 size), a sample page is illustrated.
Price £280 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer.
Information is the key to buying....order your copy today.
(Listed in Postal History section only for convenience) £280
ST. VINCENT - DUKE DE POLIGNAC correspondence - Price £48 You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds). 128 covers mostly colour illustrated (only 3 without scans) with descriptions for each including provenance where known arranged in chronological sequence. A real guide to which covers to buy covering pre-stamp (2), GB used in St. Vincent period, the Siege of Paris period.
Price £48 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer. Information is everything....order your copy today. (Listed in "POSTAL HISTORY" section for convenience) £48
JAMAICA NUMERAL CANCELLATION CATALOGUE - PRICE £120 You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds).
Over 2,000 combinations individually priced.
1,725 colour illustrations of numeral combinations
plus further 61 colour illustrations related items (cds used when numeral missing/lost etc) + 30 colour illustrations of selected covers.
149 pages (A4 size)
Price £120 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer.
Information is everything....order your copy today.
(Listed in "POSTAL HISTORY" section for convenience) £120
KUWAIT to CYPRUS postal history 1952 cover with GB KG6 ovp'd KUWAIT 6 ANNAS to Nicosia pmk'd AHMEDI 23 SP 52, b/stamped 29 SP 52 arrival. £40
G.R. ANAYIA, Cyprus postmark in purple on QE2 2m piece. £4
G.R. ALETHRIKO, Cyprus postmark om QE2 2m piece. £4
981. used PATHO, Cyprus postmark/cancel on 1881 ½pi emerald-green CC wmk (SG.11). £50
981. used PATHO, Cyprus postmark/cancel on 1881 QV 1pi rose CC wmk (SG.12). £65
981. used PATHO, Cyprus postmark/cancel on 1881 QV 2pi blue CC wmk (SG.13). £50
981. used PATHO, Cyprus postmark/cancel on 1883 QV ½pi dull green CA wmk (SG.16a). £40